Saturday, December 30, 2006

What is my purpose?

Once upon a time...
a king went hunting in the jungle...
caught one of the most beautiful bird...
beautiful feathers, exotic colors....simply fascinating.
brought it back to the palace...
guards upon guards upon guards....
Big king…so his kingdom was big.
Central room in the central palace.
special room for the bird.
Many  watchmen and security guards.
Golden cage...studded with diamonds and rubies and emeralds...
Most delicious food....
Not many birds in the history of bird life,
Had the fortune to have bird food directly from king’s kitchen.
by and by the bird started liking that cage.
forgot to fly...became sad and depressed.
One day someone took the risk
Opened the cage...and let the bird out....
it felt the flutter in it's wings...
took off...
in the vastness of the blue sky...
Yesss it is possible...big birds may eat this fellow up,
the rains may shatter it's wings...
and the lightening may burn him up...
Yet...the joy feel the vastness...the open sky...
the freedom...
The bird is born to fly...not to stay in a cage.
Yesssss there may be problems and challenges...
It has to follow it's fly.
It has to do it's fly.
because that's what the bird is supposed to do.
Now, meditate on the thought  -
What am I supposed to do? What's my true nature?
What is my purpose?

Love and Blessings for a playful time.
Satish Dholakia


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Zen Master's Magic

A Zen master who was also a magician...famous magician...
Many people wanted to be his disciples.
He was very choosy.
Not everybody was allowed to be his student...his disciple.
What he did was simply fascinating....sheer magic....real magic.
One fine day a young fellow showed up at his space.
Wanted to learn magic.
The master looks at him...
Asks him to come early morning the next day.
The seeker was disciplined.
Arrived in time...early begin his lessons.
The master invited him to swim in the river.
The fellow was a bit amazed.
What has magic to do with swimming?
Will see...what the master has in his mind...
Early morning...cold winter morning....freezing waters....
The master was very strong and tall.
The "would be" student enters the river with the master.
The master takes him further and further deeper in the river.
All is well.
The fellow is freezing.
Does not say a word.
The master is enjoying the water...just as a swimmer would enjoy the water.
The master holds this fellow's head and pushes him in the water.
Shouts at him...what do you want to do?
The fellow is scarred to death.
Trembling he replies...
get me out of this freakin water.
The master pushes him back in the water...
and shouts again...what do you want to do?
the fellow is really scarred.
Starts crying.
Please get me out of this water.
The master compassionately brings him out.
And tells him: When each and every cell of your body wants to learn magic...
Above water...below water....wherever....
When each and every cell of your compelled to learn magic...
Come to me.
My doors will open for you.
Right now you need some preparation.
Under forgot everything about magic.
When you arrive at that state...where each and every cell...all they want to do is learn magic....
I'll appear...wherever you are.
For now...go back...and prepare yourself.

This story is very symbolic.

Magic is happening all around you.
It’s all about asking your self – Am I ready for the magic?

Love and Blessings for a magical time.
Satish Dholakia

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Recognize and Release Energy Vampires

Sometimes you meet someone and you feel very energized and connected with life. You feel joyous energy all around you in their presence. You want to spend more time with such people. And sometimes it also happens that you meet someone and immediately you feel drained, exhausted and confused. These are vampires who suck your life force because they are not connected with their inner light. They have to survive on other people’s light. This could be very draining on energy for you.

You cannot satisfy a vampire

The interesting thing to notice is – You cannot satisfy a vampire. No matter how good you behave, how much you give of yourself, there is a black hole that is never satisfied, never happy, always hungry for more.

Vampire’s agenda

Vampires come in many packages. Some have their own body and others do not. One common thread you may notice is – they cannot connect with the source of light within themselves. Their basic agenda is to consume your life force. Another name of this game is – Psychic warfare.

The two energy centers they use to do their tricks

The two chakras that vampires commonly attack are solar plexus chakra and the third eye chakra. Solar plexus chakra is used for draining the life force and third eye chakra is used for draining the will force.

Signs felt in the body

1. Feelings of something just not being right.
2. Your gut feelings tells you that the feelings you get from it are not normal, or come from an external source.
3. Physical fatigue that cannot be explained by other means
4. Unexplained lack of concentration
5. Lately people tend to stay away from you
6. Things constantly going wrong

And there could be many more versions and variations of these signs of possible psychic energy interference.

Protect yourself from energy vampires

Your body has all the intelligence to guide you, protect you and tell you the difference between what’s right and what’s not right. Your gut, your stomach is the most accurate psychic on this planet. The challenge is to connect with this accuracy within. Just a little practice of this skill and you will be empowered for the rest of your life. Just be a little aware of your body. Where are you?
May be your feet touches the ground. Be aware of it.
May be your hand is holding the phone. Be aware of it.
May be you are sitting on a chair. Be aware of your butt.
And so on…simply being aware of your body, where are you…is the first step and a very powerful one to protect yourself from energy vampires.

May you be free from all energy vampires.

Love and Blessings, Satish Dholakia

Meet Master Healer Satish Dholakia

Healings are offered by Satish Dholakia, a dedicated spiritual healer - teacher and Master NLP practitioner from Mumbai, India. Not bound to any traditions or philosophies, he prefers to heal and teach from the spontaneous flow through him. Clairvoyant and Clairaudient since a child, he spent years in communion with the divine, sharing his psychic gifts with an open heart. Satish founded Inner Cosmos in Mumbai, India in 1991 currently offers energy healing classes and private sessions in Los Angeles, California. Group classes are offered internationally upon request.

Love and Blessings, Satish

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How to allow your spirit to shine

Your mind is very ancient. It is not new.
It has memories of hundreds of past lives and the seeds of future..
Like the stock market, 
Your mind and the body have seen many ups and downs.
Lots of experiences...wisdom...mysteries stored deep within.
All you need to do is listen to be able to connect with this wisdom.
And a magic happens....
Your spirit shines like early morning sun...
Inner darkness disappears.
Healing happens.
One of the easiest techniques to listen to the body:
Find a comfortable space and a convenient time 
where you will not be disturbed.
Lie down or sit on a chair...whatever is comfortable.
Place your hands on your belly region.
Just a gentle touch.
And slowly close your eyes.
Thoughts may come...thoughts may go.
That's their job.
Don't be much concerned about them.
Simply continue to relax your breath and
stay connected with your body.
Try this technique for 20 min a day for 21 days.
This sounds simple...but it is not.
Mind has a pattern to be active all the time.
To be still...not doing anything...simply being...could be a bit difficult.
In just a few days you'll feel very connected with yourself and others
and eventually with mother nature.
By doing've given some space for your spirit to shine.
The psychic within you is born.

Meet Master Healer Satish Dholakia

Healings and Meditations are offered by Satish Dholakia, a dedicated spiritual healer - teacher and Master NLP practitioner from Mumbai, India. Not bound to any traditions or philosophies, he prefers to heal and teach from the spontaneous flow through him. Clairvoyant and Clairaudient since a child, he spent years in communion with the divine, sharing his psychic gifts with an open heart. Satish founded Inner Cosmos in Mumbai, India in 1991 currently offers energy healing classes and private sessions in Los Angeles, California. Group classes are offered internationally upon request.

Love and Blessings, Satish

Sunday, May 21, 2006

See yourself through your angel's eyes

Find a comfortable space for you to sit back and relax.
Close your eyes and notice your body from within.
Imagine yourself into your angel's form outside your body and
see yourself through your angel's eyes.
See your beautiful face with lots of love.
See all your successes and achievements of this life time.
Whatever concerns you have,
see them now through your angel's eyes,
allowing a flood of compassion to flow towards you.
Feel the feeling and make this image bigger and brighter.
Carry this feeling with you wherever you go, whatever you do.
Notice any difference of feelings when you change
the angle of your perception.
You'll feel safer and more connected with this beautiful planet.

Meet Master Healer Satish Dholakia

Healings and Meditations are offered by Satish Dholakia, a dedicated spiritual healer - teacher and Master NLP practitioner from Mumbai, India. Not bound to any traditions or philosophies, he prefers to heal and teach from the spontaneous flow through him. Clairvoyant and Clairaudient since a child, he spent years in communion with the divine, sharing his psychic gifts with an open heart. Satish founded Inner Cosmos in Mumbai, India in 1991 currently offers energy healing classes and private sessions in Los Angeles, California. Group classes are offered internationally upon request.

Love and Blessings, Satish

Flowering from within

Imagine 10,000 seeds hidden in a box in your closet. If these seeds had voice and life, what would they say? "give me the soil, Allow the sun...let me flower...." Similarly, you have so much potential,  that is unexplored yet. Healing is a path to get in touch with your true potential.

What is healing?

Remember that time… when you opened your eyes for the first time?
Freshness in your eyes and an enthusiasm to connect with life and everything around….
May be you visited planet earth to celebrate life.
Restoring your spiritual integrity, becoming sound and whole again and letting go off all your non-supportive energies is what we call your healing process.

All the secrets are held within the seed.

Can we look at the seed of an apple and see the tree, the fruits, and the blossoms?
The seeds of our soul's destiny lie dormant within. As the light of understanding, the warmth of compassion and the waters of willingness nourish these seeds, the soul's inner purpose awakens. The path is revealed.

Heart holds the key

The eyes are blind. One must look within the heart.
So do not believe the eyes, trust your heart and remember to look through it,
and then you will come to know things unbelievable. And unless one comes to know the unbelievable, one has not known at all.

Healing is the master key

Healing is the master key. It can open the doors of the infinite and it can unlock the mystery of the unknown. But just by possessing the key nothing is attained, unless one uses it.

Meet Master Healer Satish Dholakia

Healings are offered by Satish Dholakia, a dedicated spiritual healer - teacher and Master NLP practitioner from Mumbai, India. Not bound to any traditions or philosophies, he prefers to heal and teach from the spontaneous flow through him. Clairvoyant and Clairaudient since a child, he spent years in communion with the divine, sharing his psychic gifts with an open heart. Satish founded Inner Cosmos in Mumbai, India in 1991 currently offers energy healing classes and private sessions in Los Angeles, California. Group classes are offered internationally upon request.

Love and Blessings,

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Chakra Energy Healing in Los Angeles

The amount of Good Luck that happens in your life is directly proportional
to the Good energy you carry with you

Instant Energy Lift up to 21 times...Now!

The Universe has an infinite capacity to give to you.
Develop your capacity to receive by healing your chakras.

We invite you to experience the magic of chakra healing
in all areas of your life - a completely new way of solving challenges.
Physical - Mental - Emotional - Social - Spiritual - Financial
An alternative medicine approach to your radiant health.

To learn more, Please visit

Love and Blessings, Satish
Los Angeles, California